Podcast 312: Robert “Nitebob” Czaykowski Returns

January 2021

Until we can convince legendary live sound engineer Robert “Nitebob” Czaykowski to host his own podcast, we’ll just keep inviting him back onto the Fretboard Journal Podcast. This time around, Nitebob regales us with tales of early NAMM Shows, working with the New York Dolls, getting fired mid-concert, and more. We also hear more about his work for Walter Becker of Steely Dan, his advice for bands on the road, discover the one guitar brand he’s not a fan of and much more.

If you missed Nitebob’s first appearance on the Fretboard Journal Podcast, check it out here: https://www.fretboardjournal.com/podcasts/podcast-301-robert-nitebob-czaykowski/

This episode is sponsored by IzotopeMono Cases, Folkway Musicand Retrofret Vintage Guitars. Use the discount code FRET10 to save 10% off your next Izotope order.

Above: Nitebob mixing for Ian Hunter, taken by Rose Mattrey.